We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times…and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.
Ils devraient faire un spot télé avec ça.
(Famille heureuse dans une mini-van. Trois enfants, dont une jeune asiatique, en habits de soccer.)
NARRATEUR - You got to bring your children to their latest soccer game.
(Gros plan d'un journal, la ligne "We can't drive our SUVs - B. Hussein Obama")
NARRATEUR - But Barack Obama doesn't want you to do it.
(Plan d'une famille afro-américaine suant à grosses gouttes)
NARRATEUR - Weather's hot ? Forget about comfort with...
(Gros plan d'un journal, la ligne "We can't keep our homes at 72 degrees at all time - B. Hussein Obama")
NARRATEUR - ...Obama as president.
(Plan d'une famille joyeuse et multiculturelle qui mange de la crème glacée)
NARRATEUR - You could forget it by having ice cream, but Barack Obama...
(Gros plan d'un journal, la ligne "We can't eat as much as we want - B. Hussein Obama")
NARRATEUR - ...Doesn't want you to eat enough.
(Plan de la boule de crème glacée d'une petite fille qui tombe. Elle pleure.)
NARRATEUR - Barack Hussein Obama. Against soccer games. Against Comfort. Against Ice Cream.
(Paid for by the Republican National Commitee)