British MPs voted on Wednesday to radically reform the House of Lords, demanding that all members be elected, instead of appointed.
MPs voted 337-224 in favour of the change. It calls for the end of the centuries-old practice of having unelected dukes, earls and other elites in the House of Lords, an upper chamber that has the power to revise and delay laws proposed by MPs in the House of Commons
The bill must clear several hurdles, including another vote in the House of Commons and scrutiny by the Lords themselves, before becoming law. It potentially could make Britain's House of Lords similar to the U.S. Senate, and upper chambers in Brazil, Japan and Australia.
"[The House of Commons] has taken the momentous step to reform the upper house and make it fit for a modern democracy," said Menzies Campbell, leader of the opposition Liberal Democrats.
Sincèrement, si même le Royaume-Uni refuse la tradition pour s'adapter au dix-huitième siècle (en retard, mais tout de même), je pense qu'on devrait sérieusement, sérieusement comprendre qu'il est plus que temps qu'on le fasse nous aussi.
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