Thursday, February 08, 2007

Let's talk about sex

Génie marketing que je suis, j'ai compris qu'il n'y avait qu'un seul moyen pour moi de raviver votre intérêt poru ce blogue : parler de cul.

The Star :

The Transportation Safety Board confirmed yesterday it has investigated the possibility that sex was taking place on the bridge of B.C. ferry, Queen of the
North, when it sank last year.
"We've heard that, as part of the investigation," spokesman John Cottreau told the Star's editorial board. "That's been hinted at."
A draft report on the sinking – in which two passengers were missing and presumed dead – is to be delivered to the board within days, said board chair Wendy Tadros. The draft goes next to interested parties for comment, with a final public report expected in three to six months, Tadros said.
"There has been speculation out there (about sexual relations) but we wouldn't comment on that," a spokesperson for B.C. Ferries, which is doing its own investigation, said by phone.
Two crew members – a man and a woman – were reported to have been on the command bridge at the time the Queen of the North sank at 12:22 a.m. last March 22, after crashing at full speed into rocks off Gil Island, south of Prince Rupert.

Admettons que ça donne un nouveau sens à "Safe Sex"... Je n'ose imaginer la facture de psychoanalyse de ces matelots qui devront apprendre à accepter que leur dernière relation sexuelle a laissé derrière elle des cadavres. Et puisqu'on est dans le sujet du transport, Slate a un reportage intéressant : y a-t-il déjà eu du sexe dans l'espace ?

If astronauts have had space sex, it would have been very difficult. First off, there isn't much privacy up there. A regular shuttle is about as big as a 737, and the two main areas—the crew cabin and middeck—are each the size of a small office. The bathroom is little more than a seat with a curtain, and there aren't any closed rooms where two people could retreat. The space station, on the other hand, has a little more room to operate. The three-person crew generally splits up sleeping time : Two of them bed down in a pair of tiny crew cabins at one end of the station, and the third might jump in a sleeping bag at the other end, almost 200 feet away. (The panel-and-strap design of a space bed might not be that conducive to lovemaking.) Astronauts also have a demanding work schedule, leaving them with little time or energy for messing around. Space-station crews do get time off on weekends, though, when they can watch movies, read books, play games, "and generally have a good time".
Of course, speculation has been rampant. The first mission that included both men and women lauched in 1982. But on that flight, cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya's reputation for toughness, not to mention her married status, stamped out rumors. The first married couple went to space in 1991, when training-camp sweethearts Jan Davis and Mark Lee served together on a mission. NASA normally has a policy against letting married couples fly together, not because they're afraid they'll have sex, but because it might hurt the team dynamic. However, they made an exception for Davis and Lee since the couple got married so close to launch time. (...) Both have refused to answer questions about the nature of their relationship during the mission. In the 1990s, rumors circulated about unorthodox coziness between Elena Kondokava and Valery Polyakov on a mission to the space station Mir, especially after a video got out showing Valery playfully splashing water on Elena during the flight.

Which raises the question: Would space sex be any good? Recent research suggests it would not. For one thing, zero gravity can induce nausea—a less-than-promising sign for would-be lovers. Astronauts also perspire a lot in flight, meaning sex without gravity would likely be hot, wet, and surrounded by small droplets of sweat. In addition, people normally experience lower blood pressure in space, which means reduced blood flow, which means … well, you know what that means.

Je viens de tuer quelques fantasmes, hein ? Mais cela importe peu, car les vrais chauds lapins, ce sont vos parents :

British study suggests people older than 50 are more likely than younger Britons to cheat on their spouses or long-term partners.
The British Sexual Fantasy Research Project, which examined the sex lives of more than 13,000 Britons, suggested 30 percent of people over 50 in the country have had sexual relations with someone outside their marriage or partnership, The Daily
Mail reported Wednesday. By contrast, only 14 percent of men and women under
30 reported the same behavior.

Mais n'Ayez crainte, jeunes gens! Peut-être sommes-nous simplement plus
actifs, mais incapables de s'en souvenir, car victimes
de sexsomnie

The first use of "sexsomnia" for this condition was by Dr C M Shapiro and two colleagues from the Sleep Alertness Clinic of the University of Toronto and the Toronto Western Hospital in a June 2003 article in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Sexsomnia is described as a mix of sleepwalking and adolescent wet dreams.
According to the researchers, amazingly, not all partners of sexsomniacs are distressed or irritated by the novel experience of having an unconscious person make love to them. In fact, some seem to prefer it. The researchers describe sexsomnia as a "distinct variation" of sleepwalking. The researchers discovered it by interviewing patients referred to their sleep clinic for normal sleep-related problems. According to the Shapiro team, "[o]nly subsequently did the issue of sexual behaviour during sleep emerge", although they noted prior cases of indecent exposure during sleep.
They add: "We anticipate that the number of potential cases is large but sexual behaviour in sleep is not yet recognised by physicians as a behaviour of note or a
(...)In the May 2006 Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, Dr I O Ebrahim of the London Sleep Centre describes a recent sexsomnia case in England "where the defendant was acquitted on three charges of rape on the basis of automatism due to somnambulistic sexual behaviour".



Anonymous said...

J'attendais impatiemment une nouvelle entrée sur le blog et quand je reviens voir, je me trouve à avoir peur de me réveiller la nuit pour baiser des inconnues qui pourraient, genre... ME LAISSER FAIRE!! J'habite aux résidences et j'ai l'hypocondrie facile!! Maintenant, combine ça avec les regards bizarres des filles qui restent à l'AUTRE BOUT de mon étage, des rêves vraiment un peu trop réels et une fatigue prométhéenne à chaque réveil, pis je pense que je vais avoir de la misère à m'endormir ce soir...

Anyway, bonne idée le message de cul =P

Anonymous said...

Haha, on voit que tes occupations quotidiennes ont changées depuis ton retour ! Mais bon, c'est toujours le fun a savoir !

Anonymous said...

Je me doutais que ça arriverait... Notre Christo a flippé. Mais que s'est-il passé au cours des six derniers mois pour qu'il passe d'un jeune homme si sérieux et bien à ce décadent frivole?

Comme tout apprenti économiste qui se respecte, Christo aurait dû écouter les paroles d'Adam Smith:

"In England it becomes every day more and more the custom to send young people to travel in foreign countries immediately upon their leaving school, and without sending them to any university. Our young people, it is said, generally return home much improved by their travels. A young man who goes abroad at seventeen or eighteen, and returns home at one and twenty, returns three or four years older than he was when he went abroad; and at that age it is very difficult not to improve a good deal in three or four years. In the course of his travels he generally acquires some knowledge of one or two foreign languages; a knowledge, however, which is seldom sufficient to enable him either to speak or write them with propriety. In other respects he commonly returns home more conceited, more unprincipled, more dissipated, and more incapable of any serious application either to study or to business than he could well have become in so short a time had he lived at home. By travelling so very young, by spending in the most frivolous dissipation the most precious years of his life, at a distance from the inspection and control of his parents and relations, every useful habit which the earlier parts of his education might have had some tendency to form in him, instead of being riveted and confirmed, is almost necessarily either weakened or effaced. Nothing but the discredit into which the universities are allowing themselves to fall could ever have brought into repute so very absurd a practice as that of travelling at this early period of life. By sending his son abroad, a father delivers himself at least for some time, from so disagreeable an object as that of a son unemployed, neglected, and going to ruin before his eyes."

Tst Tst Tst... :)